Targeted Case Management Services
Our team of devoted case managers can assist clients in sustaining their recovery and gaining access to needed medical, social, legal, educational and other services and supports.
Case managers serve an essential role as lead advocates for clients assisting in navigating the complex array of community services.
Programming for Women and Women with Children
BCC offers programs specifically geared toward women and women with children struggling with mental health and substance use disorders.
Maternal Intervention and Supportive Services (MISS)
Provides specialized community-based care management and parenting support for mothers with substance use disorders. This may include assistance with transportation and/or childcare for certain programs.
Pregnant and Parenting Teens
Provides support, education and case management for young and expectant mothers. Service include in-home visits and classes focusing on prenatal care and parenting skills. Special support is also offered for teen fathers as part of this program.
Health and Nutrition Support
Our nutrition team will work with parents and families as well, focusing on the benefits of healthy eating, nutrition, smart shopping and budgeting for healthy food choices.
Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Opioid Use Disorder