Recovery Support Services
Recovery Support Specialists help those become and stay engaged in the recovery process. Because our specialists are peers who have been successful in their own recovery process, their message of hope, as well as personal experiences and knowledge, enable them to guide and support clients in living a substance-free lifestyle and striving to reach their fullest potential.
Please note that Recovery Support Services are not substitutes for treatment.
Peer Support and Peer Counseling
BCC's Certified Peer Support Specialists are in their own recovery from mental health disorders who are playing a key role in many of our programs sharing hope, vision, and their stories of recovery. They speak openly about their struggles and experiences through their journey and how they have successfully reached recovery.
The Peer Support Specialists will do everything they can to help individuals develop and maintain positive support networks, become active members of the community, and create a sense of self-worth.
Peer Specialists also are key staff for our Decision Support Center, which promotes patient self-management and shared decision-making.